
Born in Petah Tikva on March 10, 1925 into a poor family of Turkish origin. At the age of 14, he went out to work to help support his family, and in late 1943 he joined the Irgun.

After the training period, he was transferred to the Fighting Force, and his first experience of combat was at the Kalkiliya police station, during the Irgun operation on four police stations on Yom Kipur, 1945. He later took part in numerous operations, including the attack on the Ramat Gan police station, where Dov Gruner was captured. All these operations took place at night; by day he continued to work in a factory.

On December 29, 1946 He was captured armed, together with Dresner and Kashani, upon returning from an operation. They were tried before a military court and sentenced to death.

On April 16, 1947 Alkahi was hanged in the Acre jail. He was 22 when he went to the gallows.