
Born on August 25, 1919 in Rumania and in 1939 immigrated illegally to Eretz Israel aboard the Parita. The same year he became active in the Irgun.

Was one of the senior commanders who fought the British, and, among other positions, served as commander of the Fighting Force in Petah Tikva and later in Tel Aviv.

In 1946 was arrested in Bat Yam together with 30 of his comrades who were returning from sabotaging the railway lines in the south and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment under the pseudonym Eliyahu Sand.

In February 1948, succeeded in escaping from the central jail in Jerusalem, together with 11 Irgun and Lehi fighters, and joined his comrades who were preparing for the War of Independence.

On April 29, 1948 he was killed in the battle for Jaffa by a British shell.