ביבליוגרפיה - יהודי מלטה
מחבר: שלומי רייסקין
מנחם הכהן 'דע את עמך', סקירה על הפזורה היהודית בעולם - תשכ"ב 1962
Aquilina, Ġużè. "Race and Language in Malta", Papers in Maltese Linguistics. Valletta : University of Malta, 1981, pp. 166-188 [specifically p. 186: " Evidence of Jewish persons and ghettos in Malta is further provided by the place-names recalling their existence here"]
Becker, Erich. Malta sotterranea : Studien zur altchristlichen und juedischen Sepulkralkunst. Strassburg : Heitz & Muendel, 1913
Brydges, Sir Harford Jones. An Account of the Transactions of His Majesty's Mission to the Court of Persia, in the Years 1807-11. Volume 1. London : J. Bohn, 1834, p. 461.
Claire-Eliane Engel. Histoire de l'Ordre de Malte. Geneva: Nagel, 1968, p.197 [Claire-Eliane Engel comments that during the Great Siege, 'les juifs de Malte avaient ete d'une loyaute au-dessus de tout eloge' (the Jews of Malta had behaved with a loyalty above all praise)]
Cohen, Abraham. An Anglo-Jewish Scrapbook, 1600-1840: The Jew Through English Eyes. Farnborough, Gregg, 1969, p. 141
Davies, W. D.; Finkelstein, Louis. Cambridge History of Judaism. Cambridge University Press, 1984, p. 503
Desmond, Gregory. Malta, Britain, and the European Powers, 1793-1815. Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press ; London ; Cranbury, NJ : Associated University Presses, 1996, p. 165
Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell. Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period. New York: Pantheon Books, 1953, p. 57.
Levenberg, S. European Jewry Today. Leeds : Leeds University Press, 1967, p. 21.
Maria , L De; Turchetti, Rita. Porti del Mediterraneo dopo la caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente : continuità e innovazioni tecnologiche e funzionali : IV seminario : Genova, 18-19 giugno 2004. Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2004, p. 130.
Montefiore , Sir Moses; Montefiore, Lady Judith Cohen; Loewe, Louis. Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore. Chicago : Belford-Clarke Co., 1890, p. 63 and on.
Pollock, Arthur William Alsager. The United Service Magazine. London : H. Colburn, 1847, p. 274.
Reinhard Lupton, Julia. Citizen-Saints: Shakespeare and Political Theology. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2005, p. 53 .
Roth, Cecil. The Jews of Malta. In: Transactions of Jewish Historical Society, 1931, pp.187-251. [Paper read to the Jewish Historical Society of England, 28 March, 1928]
Savona-Ventura, C.. Outlines of Maltese Medical History. MidSea
Publ.: Malta 1997, pp.19-24.
Shulvass, Moses Avigdor. The Jews in the World of the Renaissance. Leiden, Brill, 1973, pp. 27-28.
Tayar, Aline P'nina. How Shall We Sing?: A Mediterranean Journey Through a Jewish Family. Sydney : Picador, 2000 [Includes bibliographicalreferences pp. 217-218]
Wettinger, Godfrey. The Jews of Malta in the Late Middle Ages. Malta : Midsea Books, 1985 [Bibliography: pp. 323-331]
מאמרים ועתונות
אסף, שמחה. "לתולדותהיהודים באי מלטה". ציון:מאסף החברה הא"ילהיסטוריה ואתנוגרפיה , ב (תרפ"ז), עמ' 67-75.
בניהו מ. "אגרות ר' שמואל אבוהב לחכמי ארץ ישראל שנישבו במאלטה ובמסיינה". ספר זכרון לשלמה ס. מאיר, מילאנו ירושלים תשט"ז, עמ' 17-47.
קרפי, דניאל. "פעילותהממונים על קופת פדיון שבויים שבוונציה בשנים 1654-1670". ציון סח, ב (תשסג), עמ' 175-222
רות, בצלאל. "לתולדותהשבויים היהודים במאלטה". ציון:מאסף החברה הא"ילהיסטוריה ואתנוגרפיה , ג (תרפ"ט), עמ' 167-171.
Dr David Bercovy . Qulques Juifs à Malte. Mélanges d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque : études choisies de la Revue d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque, No. 149 (Juillet 1984). Leiden ; Boston, MA : Brill, 2003. p. 179
Benady, Tito . Gibraltar, Minorque, Malte. In: Les Juifs d’Espagne; histoire d’une diaspora, 1492-1992 (Direction: Henry Méchoulan). Paris: Liana Levi, 1992, pp. 327-331
Benayahu, Meir . R. Shmuel Aboab's letters to the Palestinian sages held captive in Malta and Messina. Journal of Maltese Studies, 3 (1966) 68-74
Brauner, David. "Book Bytes". Jerusalem Post, Books section; Jul 14, 2000; 12.B
Burgaretta, Dario . Un documento giudeo-arabo siciliano conservato a Siracusa. Italia, 16 (2004) 7-40
Ciappara, Frans . The Roman Inquisition and the Jews in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Malta. In: Le Inquisizioni cristiane e gli ebrei; tavola rotonda nell’ambito della Conferenza annuale della ricerca (Roma, 2001). Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2003, pp. 449-470
Colafemmina, Cesare . Le catacombe ebraiche nell'Italia meridionale e nell'area Sicula : Venosa, Siracusa, Noto, Lipari e Malta. In: I beni culturali ebraici in Italia; situazione attuale, problemi, prospettive e progetti per il futuro. A cura di Mauro Perani. Ravenna: Longo editore, 2003, pp. 119-146
Davis, Derek . The Jewish cemetery at Kalkara, Malta. In: Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England), 28 [1981-82] (1984) 145-170
Di Porto, Arturo . Idioma e scrittura di Malta. Rassegna Mensile di Israel, 43,3-4 (1977) 137-151
Gross, David C. ""The Jewish Slaves of Malta". In: The Jewish People's Almanac. Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday, 1981, pp. 411-412.
Heidi J. Gleit. “How Maltese pirates kept the synagogues full”. Jerusalem Post; Apr 21, 2000; pg. 02.B
Kraemer, Ross S. "New Inscription from Malta and the Question of Women Elders in the Diaspora Jewish Communities". The Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 78, No. 3/4 (Jul. - Oct., 1985), pp. 431-438
Wettinger, Godfrey. The Origin of the ‘Maltese’ Surnames. Melita Historica, v. XII n. 4 (1999), pp. 333-344
ברשת האינטרנט
היהודים הנעלמים, מוסף ''השבוע'' (07/04/2006) אתר הצופה
מלטה - נתונים כלליים
The Medical History of the Maltese Islands: Medieval Medicine
The Jews of Malta
Ruth Ellen Gruber - Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ten New EU Countries, 10 Jewish Communities, The Jewish Journal Archive, May 7 - May 20, 2004
A Jewish Family in Malta
Gillian Bartolo interviews Aline P’nina Tayar
Juifs et Maltais de Tripoli
Adrian Grima
Radio National, "The Spirit Of Things", with Rachael Kohn, Sunday 8/10/00
Spiritual Journeys
Alexander Rosenzweig. Jews and the Inquisition in Malta. The Casa Shalom Members Journal, Volume 5 issue 2 (Autumn 2003), pp. 4-5
The Virtual Jewish History Tour - Malta
Esther Hecht. The Jewish Traveler: Malta. Hadassah Magazine, Vol. 87 No. 4 (December 2005).
Jews on Malta
Édith OCHS et Bernard Nantet, "Il y a aussi des Juifs à Malte" (étude). Documentation ayant servi à la rédaction d'un article pour la Revue L'ARCHE, Janvier 1997
Stefan Schrader. Maltas Gemeinde. aus: Jüdische Korrespondenz, Nr. 4/2002 herausgegeben vom Jüdischen Kulturverein
Sarah Ljubibratic, Lausanne. Marranes et Juifs sous l’Inquisition romaine à Malte – XVI-XVIIIème siècles.